Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at 4:39 AM

Library helps sweeten the dark days of February

COVID-19 cases ever on the rise, arctic temperatures and dark, cloudy skies with nary a glimpse of sunshine to brighten the winter months — what a very dismal winter upon us!

COVID-19 cases ever on the rise, arctic temperatures and dark, cloudy skies with nary a glimpse of sunshine to brighten the winter months — what a very dismal winter upon us!

Our youth department has just the program to add sunshine and sweetness to a child’s world. Our Saturday Candy Factory STEM this month – 10:30 a.m. on February 12 -- is a teasingly tasty one as host Kimberly Long, the wonderfully engaging and creative librarian at Curington Elementary School, guides youngsters through several hands-on candy-based experiments.

Few can resist the aroma and taste of a piece of candy, and when added to a science experiment, a child’s interest is piqued, making him an enthusiastic young scientist.

Children of all ages are welcome to join us for this delectable program!

Art-to-Go Week

Stop by our Youth Department from February 7-12 and pick up a kit to craft a color-your-own delightful dinosaur valentine. Supplies are limited. First come, first served.

Books to sweeten the season

Check out these candy-themed books from our Youth Department — all guaranteed to tantalize your taste buds!

“Chocolate: Riches from the Rainforest” by Robert Burleigh: Chocolate milk, chocolate fudge, chocolate frosting on chocolate cake. Children love chocolate, and this book, filled with fun facts, introduces them to the flavor’s exotic story.

“Grandpa Cacao: A Tale of Chocolate, Farm to Family” by Elizabeth Zunon: As a little girl and her father bake her birthday cake together, Daddy tells the story of her Grandpa Cacao, a farmer from the Ivory Coast in West Africa who worked in his village to harvest cacao, the most important ingredient in chocolate.

“Mercedes and the Chocolate Pilot” by Margot Raven: Readers will be fascinated by this true story of the Berlin Airlift. Life was grim in 1948 West Berlin, Germany. Josef Stalin blockaded all ground routes coming in and out of Berlin to cut off West Berliners from all food and essential supplies.

Thus began the Berlin Airlift, a humanitarian rescue mission that utilized British and American airplanes and pilots to fly in needed supplies. American pilot Lt. Gail S. Halvorsen helped to provide not only nourishment to the children but also chocolate.

“The Wizz Pop Chocolate Shop” by Kate Saunders: The family of 11-year-old twins Oz and Lily have inherited a mysterious chocolate shop. Long ago, the shop’s famous chocolate-makers, who also happen to be Oz and Lily’s great uncles, were clever sorcerers. Now evil villains are hunting for the secret of their greatest recipe. Can Oz and Lily save the shop — and the world?

PAWS 4 for Reading

Come to our Youth Department at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, February 19, and share a story with a trained and certified therapy dog that loves books! Delightful Dwight and his merry master Miss Marty will be here and happy to welcome you. What a great way to practice your reading!

Radio Storytime: Early Bird Time!

Tune in to Boerne Radio (KBRN FM 103.9) for a weekly Saturday storytime at a new early bird time of 7:45 a.m. Enjoy a dramatic reading of a quality story suitable for the whole family.

This storytime is generously sponsored by Mathnasium of Boerne. We are most grateful to Boerne Radio and Mathnasium of Boerne for this opportunity to bring the wonder of literature to the community.




Boerne Star
