Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 2:49 PM




The following is a brief, partial recap of incidents reported by the Boerne Police Department and the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office. General locations are listed rather than specific addresses. An arrest should not imply guilt or innocence, which will be decided in court at a later date. Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call the Boerne Police at 830-249-8645, the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office at 830-249-9721 or Kendall County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) or


January 19

7:14 a.m., 31480 I-10 W.- Two women got stuck in an elevator at Ford of Boerne for less than five minutes.

2:34 p.m., 100 block Fischer- A woman reported a gray ford was parked in front of her residence for several weeks. It was because the owner lived across the street.

6:01 p.m., 600 block Rosewood Ave.- A woman reported her phone box was broken into.

11:23 p.m., 35000 I-10 W.- A manager reported someone broke into a customer’s vehicle at the Comfort Inn & Suites.

Officers also conducted eight security checks, made 10 traffic stops, assisted the public 16 times, removed a traffic hazard, served a warrant and worked five false alarms, five non-injury accidents, three animal calls and six reckless drivers.

January 20

1:25 a.m., 100 block Jolie Circle- A woman reported her ex-boyfriend was ringing her doorbell and possibly drunk. She said he had just gotten out of a psych ward and was worried about him. The man then called officers, wanting to report her for using the key to his trailer three times.

4:32 p.m., 369 S. Esser Rd.- A woman came into the store and refused to leave after yelling at those inside.

9:02 p.m., 100 block Katie Court- Two gunshots were heard in the area, but officers found no evidence a crime had occurred.

9:56 p.m., 1381 S. Main St.- An individual reported two juveniles were in the parking lot drinking, honking at people possibly wanting to fight. 10 p.m., 145 Old San Antonio Rd.-

10 p.m., 145 Old San Antonio Rd.- A manager at the movie theater in Boerne found marijuana in one of the auditoriums.

Officers also conducted seven security checks, made six traffic stops, assisted the public 11 times, removed a traffic hazard and worked seven false alarms, one non-injury accident and two animal calls.

January 21

1:06 a.m., 30700 I-10 W.- A truck flipped into the shoulder of the interstate. All passengers were reported OK, and the driver was able to communicate with officers.

1:43 p.m., 540 MM I-10 W.- A man pushing a shopping cart along the interstate was cause for concern for a resident.

2:53 p.m., Main and School streets- A man was concerned about someone flying several flags on near a school, saying they had obscenities on them.

3:41 p.m., 200 block W. Bandera Rd.- A man reported a woman took a sip of alcohol while at Twin Liquors before driving away.

4:33 p.m., 701 Oak Park Dr.- A man wanted to speak to officers about employees of the apartment complex blowing leaves at parked vehicles.

6:13 p.m., 31138 I-10 W.- Two transients were fighting on the sidewalk near Drink Texas. Officers broke up the fight and released the two individuals after receiving confirmation one of them was not wanted by an Ohio agency.

10:03 p.m., 145 Old San Antonio Rd.- A man reported a black Mercedes that was parked in the movie theater parking lot. She was arrested.

11:19 p.m., 200 block Chisholm- Two teenage boys were playing ding dong ditch, with one of the teenagers wearing a bear costume and the other wearing a shirt that said, “I love hot moms.”

Officers also conducted 12 security checks, made 12 traffic stops, assisted the public 21 times, removed a traffic hazard and worked six false alarms and seven non-injury accidents.


January 19

6:43 a.m., 300 block FM 3351 S.- A three-vehicle accident resulted in several people being injured and entrapped. All individuals were extracted from their vehicles. Two patients denied hospital transport, but an ambulance transported a third person to the hospital.

12:38 p.m., 40700 block I-10 W.- A woman reported a man was beating her up, kicking her in the back and causing her to hit the ground. She said the man had weapons in the past, and she managed to flee to a garage across the street.

2:22 p.m., 300 block Echo Falls- Two people with “Honeywell” shirts and an iPad tried to get into a man’s home, saying they were with ADT Security Services. The man didn’t let the individuals in and called ADT and confirmed the two individuals were not with the company.

11:53 p.m., 100 block Blaschke Rd.- A woman spotted a fire from the interstate, but she wasn’t sure where it was located. So, she waited for deputies to find her on the highway, leading deputies to a fire off Blaschke Road. The fire was put out by 1:06 a.m.

Deputies also conducted a security check, made six traffic stops, assisted the public 17 times, removed a traffic hazard and worked three false alarms, two non-injury accidents, one animal call and three reckless drivers.

January 20

12:12 p.m., 300 block Lake Side Circle- A woman reported a vehicle was parked on the side of the road for 30 minutes. It was gone before deputies could arrive, so she began driving around looking for it.

3:28 p.m., 5 Toepperwein Rd.- A reportedly violated a criminal trespass warning at the location and threatened to come back later.

4:32 p.m., 369 S. Esser Rd.- A short Asian woman was yelling at people and refused to leave.

4:48 p.m., 400 block Waring-Welfare Rd.- A woman reported her 2012 BMW was stolen. In the end, the woman said she allowed the person with the car to drive it to the store and back, btu she said the driver had it for longer than allowed. A deputy let her know it was a civil matter, so the woman hung up on them.

Deputies also conducted a security check, made 13 traffic stops, assisted the public 14 times, removed two traffic hazards and worked one false alarm, two non-injury accidents, one animal call and five reckless drivers.

January 21

2:13 a.m., 600 block Roosevelt- A woman reported five people with multiple vehicles in the area were acting belligerent and seemed drunk.

2:02 p.m., 700 block Esperanza- A man reported a large construction-size air compression was taken sometime overnight or the day before.

5:11 p.m., 537 MM I-10 E.- A man was seen pushing a cart on the interstate, going in and out of lanes. Deputies gave him a courtesy ride to the Love’s Travel Stop in Comfort.

6:19 p.m., 100 block FM 474- A truck was overturned on the busy road, but no major injuries were reported.

6:38 p.m., 400 block July Lane- A woman reported her husband has been harassing her mother. was concerned about her cat that was stuck in a tree because it was supposed to freeze that night. A friend came by with a ladder and freed the feline.

7:57 p.m., 100 block W. Fabra Lane- A woman reported her 33-year-old daughter hit her really hard in the head, causing her to bleed.

8 p.m., 100 block Ridge Trail- An uninvolved party reported a man may have broken his wife’s arm. The wife declined emergency services, but her father called back later worried about his 7-year-old granddaughter that was in the house.

Deputies also made 37 traffic stops, assisted the public 16 times, removed a traffic hazard and worked one false alarm, two non-injury accidents, one animal call and one reckless driver.

January 22

9:03 a.m., 100 block Cordillera Trace- A man with a concrete company was trying to get into the neighborhood to conduct work, but the chief of security at the gate said the man didn’t have a

7 p.m., 40700 block I-1o W.- A woman license and had an attitude. A deputy “did not observe any attitude.”

12 p.m., 700 block Kendall Jackson- A woman’s stove caught fire. She managed to put it out by turning off her gas, but she still wanted the fire department to check it out.

4:14 p.m., 100 block Oak Bluff Blvd.- A woman reported her ex-boyfriend assaulted her earlier that day, throwing a remote control at her, pushing her onto the couch and shaking her.

6:42 p.m., 1029 Hwy 87 S.- A woman at the gas station had a cage on her back with a cat in it and was asking people for food and a jacket. Deputies found her and determined she had no warrants and hadn’t committed any crime.

10:35 p.m., 1381 S. Main St.- A woman claimed someone on probation vandalized her car.

Deputies also made 18 traffic stops, assisted the public 10 times, removed two traffic hazards and worked four false alarms, four animal calls and five reckless drivers.




Boerne Star