Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 12:52 AM

Western artists to converge for roundup

Western artists to converge for roundup
Deldon Caldwell, “Upbeat,” honorable mention, Hill Country Arts Foundation, Members’ Exhibition, Creekside Gallery, Visual Arts Center, Ingram.


“… For art to perform its mission, it's achievements must enter the consciousness ... of the people.” –   Albert Einstein

The Museum of Western Art invites you to its 39th annual Roundup Exhibition and Sale opening weekend on Sept. 23-24. The exhibition and sale will bring together more than 40 top western artists presenting more than 100 original works of western art.

The exhibition will run through Oct. 29.

This year's exhibition opening includes two days of art sales, demonstrations and other festivities. Friday, Sept. 23, includes daytime educational opportunities, demonstrations and a chance for the public to visit with world-class artists.

The evening will feature an exclusive, members-only high-end cocktail preview party with a chance to meet featured artists and preview the art before the exhibition opens to the public (western chic attire). Saturday, Sept. 24, will cap off the weekend with elegant foods, open bar libations and a silent auction featuring 100-plus works of western fine art (fancy western chic attire).

The museum is located at 1550 Bandera Highway in Kerrville. For more information, visit or call 830-896-2553.

Hill Country Arts Foundation members show and sale.

Through Sept. 16. Fall fundraiser for educational programming, Creekside Gallery. A wide variety of media was submitted, and first-, second- and third-place honors were awarded to Roger Parsons, Bonnie Woods and Susan Ehlers, respectively, with honorable mentions given to Deldon Caldwell, Al Zirkel and David D. McCormick.

The fundraiser will take place at 120 Point Theatre Road in Ingram. For information, refer to or call 830-367-5121.

Boerne BierFest fifth annual art exhibition and sale – call to artists.

Several booth spaces available. Artists booths will again be interspersed among craft beer booths "down the midway" allowing for a cross-pollination of our young, professional audiences. Craft media artisans encouraged – clay, fiber, glass, paper, wood or any combination thereof – to join our participating fine artists, and demonstrations are always welcome!

Arts and crafts festivals enhance our local image and identity. It helps folks to feel more positive about our community and serves as a platform for mobilizing stakeholders in the arts and culture industry. Register today at or call 210-269-8349 with inquiries.

Like us on Facebook. Visit our website often at


HCCArts Calendar

Hill Country Arts Foundation.

Seeing Blue: annual HCAF juried show, call for entries.

Requirement: The color blue must be represented in some way. The members' show is a tradition that showcases the talents of HCAF's core constituency and provides local artists with an important exhibition opportunity. Cash awards offered.

For information, refer to or call 830-367-5121.


• HCCArts Art AfterHours 2022.

Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m. in the comfort of The Classroom at the AgriCultural Museum and Arts Center, 102 City Park Road, Boerne. Cost is $35 each session; discount with membership. Class descriptions and Limited Registration

Series 6 announced!

• September 13: Wood Relief Carving, Part 1; September 20: Wood Relief Carving, Part 2.

Try your hand at relief carving and reveal an image from a solid panel of wood. Our first session will focus on carving using hand gouges. In the second session, we will immerse ourselves in micro power carving with a rotary tool and various carving bits.

September 27: Mould Making.

Fabricate your own unique mounds. Use three different mediums to create a master pattern to be used again and again. From economically and simple as polymer and foam, to permanent and professional as silicone, discover new ways to make your work as individual as you.

October 4: Silkscreening with Vinyl.

• November 1: Leather Tooling.

• November 8: Resin Ornaments.

• November 15: Mixed Media Cards.

William Kalwick, “New Home,” oil (detail), The Museum of Western Art, 39th annual Roundup Exhibition and Sale, Kerrville.

William Kalwick, “New Home,” oil (detail), The Museum of Western Art, 39th annual Roundup Exhibition and Sale, Kerrville.

Bonnie Woods, “Blue Mood,” second place, Members’ Exhibition, Hill Country Arts Foundation, Creekside Gallery, Visual Arts Center, Ingram.

Bonnie Woods, “Blue Mood,” second place, Members’ Exhibition, Hill Country Arts Foundation, Creekside Gallery, Visual Arts Center, Ingram.




Boerne Star
