Saturday, March 15, 2025 at 1:11 AM

Library card is a vital school supply for youth

Library card is a vital school supply for youth
Olsen, baby Reed and Noella Johnson are proud Patrick Heath Public Library card-holders. Submitted photo

From backpacks to binders, back-to-school shopping is big business. According to Matt Schulz, the chief credit analyst at Lending Tree, “With inflation running rampant and supply chain issues lingering, these are definitely not the best of times. Lots of families are going to have to make some real sacrifices and have some uncomfortable conversations this back-to-school shopping season.”

This year will be especially pricey for families. According to the National Retail Federation, 2022 back-to-school spending will match last year’s record-breaking high of $37 billion, with families spending an average of $834 on supplies.    

Happily, there is one school supply you can acquire at no cost – a library card. September is Library Card Sign-up Month, a time when the American Library Association and public libraries throughout the nation emphasize the value of a library card. Library Card Sign-up Month has given librarians an opportunity to remind families that a library card is the key to academic success and a lifetime of enriching experiences.

A library card enables you to fill your youngster’s world with books at no cost. Surrounding a child with books enables him or her to explore a variety of subjects and genres. He or she soon will see the magic of the printed word.

The more a child reads, the more he or she will want to read. Research shows that children who read succeed academically.

A library card paves the way to far more than just books in today’s public libraries. When a family comes to the library to check out books, they soon will discover all the many programs and resources available to them at no charge. 

Here at the Patrick Heath Public Library, the Youth Services Department offers weekly programs and monthly special events to educate, enlighten and entertain. We also offer access to computers, tablets and online resources and databases.

According to the American Library Association, families can save hundreds of dollars on educational resources and services for students by utilizing the public library. Clearly, as noted by the ALA, “a library card is one of the most cost effective back to school supplies available.”


Youth department

wakes up!

After our August “sleeper” month of new regularly scheduled programs, our youth department is once again stirring back to life. Our autumn brochure and September calendar are now available. We are very excited to once again resume our regular programs. 

This season we feature something for everyone!


Weekly programs

• Sensory Studio, every Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. Babies ages 0 to 2 years will delight in this free play session.

• Little Listeners, every Monday, 5 p.m. and every Wednesday, 10:30 a.m. Young children ages 2 to 5 are invited to our storytime featuring tales, tunes, movement, puppetry and crafting.

• Book Babies, every Thursday, 9:30 a.m. Babies age 0 to 2 years are welcome to enjoy a special storytime with stories, songs, movement and bubbles.

• Bookaneers: Tween Homeschool Book Club, Tuesdays, 12:00 p.m. Homeschool students in grades 3-5 are invited to join this book club. This month we will read “The Lemonade Wars” by Jacqueline Davies. Registration required. Please email Miss Constance at [email protected]. First 15 registrants receive a FREE copy of the book!

• Time Travelers: Homeschool Program, Wednesdays, 12:30 p.m. Think history class is a snooze? Come aboard our weekly cruise back in time for elementary grade homeschoolers. Each week we will focus on a different period of history through lively tales and activities.

• Tweens ‘n’ Tails, every Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. New and emerging readers are invited to share a book with a trained and certified therapy dog plus get to know a fun tween buddy who likes to read with you, too.  What a great way to practice your reading!

• Lit & Lab, second Saturday of every month, 10:30 a.m. Calling all scientists! Join us for exciting hands-on experiments, art, literature and more.


Radio Storytime

Early Bird time

Tune in to Boerne Radio (KBRN FM 103.9) for a weekly Saturday storytime at a new early bird time of 7:45 a.m. Enjoy a dramatic reading of a quality story suitable for the whole family.

This storytime is generously sponsored by Mathnasium of Boerne. We are most grateful to Boerne Radio and Mathnasium of Boerne for this opportunity to bring the wonder of literature to the community.

Staying informed

You can contact us at 830-249-3053 or visit our website at Email us at [email protected]. Track us down on Facebook, where you can like the Library or Boerne Library Children’s Corner. You can also follow us on Instagram.

To maintain your library account, go to and click on “My Account.”




Boerne Star