Friday, March 14, 2025 at 1:07 AM

BISD gets top grade from state

The Boerne Independent School District became an elite member of an exceptional class this week as it received its third consecutive “A” from the Texas Education Agency’s statewide Student Testing and Accountability ratings.

The rating is based on the 2021-22 academic year.

The district also received a record 21 distinction delegations, which acknowledge districts and campuses for outstanding achievement based on outcomes of several performance indicators.

“We’ve received an ‘A’ all three years on our report card,” BISD Superintendent Tom Price said during the August board of trustees meeting on Monday. “It’s a remarkable feat. It says a lot about our community and students and a whole lot about our staff.”

Both Price and Trustee Joe Tidwell said only about 1 percent of Texas school districts have received an “A” rating every year from TEA.

“Only 103 districts in the state have gotten an ‘A’ all three years,” Tidwell said, adding there are about 1,200 school districts in Texas.

BISD’s grade was 94 out of 100. In addition, 10 individual campuses received “A” ratings while the other two got a “B.” The 21 distinctions were the most by far for the district.

The district also received “A” ratings in the 2017-18 and 2018-19 school years. The TEA did not rate school districts in the 2019-20 or 2020-21 academic years because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Thirty-three percent (396) of the 1,200 or so school districts statewide received an “A” rating for the 2021-22 school year

Information from BISD stated that prior to the 2017-18 academic year, the Texas Legislature established three domains for measuring the academic performance of districts and campuses: Student achievement, school progress and closing the gaps. Districts are assigned a rating from A through F for overall performance, as well as for performance in each domain.

“With everything that our students and staff have been through in the last two years during the pandemic, for us to receive another ‘A’ rating from the TEA is absolutely incredible,” Price said. “This is a true testament to how well our students and teachers perform in the classroom and to our administrators and staff for the wonderful leadership and support they provide. We are only able to achieve this accomplishment because of the outstanding support we receive from our parents, our communities and our board.”

The 21 distinction designations encompass one in English-language arts, two in mathematics, seven in science, one in social studies, two in academic growth, four in post-secondary Readiness and four in closing the gaps. The distinction designations are awarded for achievement in several areas and are based on performance relative to a group of campuses of similar type, size, grade span and student demographics.

“We must also stress that Boerne ISD is a lot more than just an ‘A’ rating in the classroom,” Price said. “Our students are well-rounded, having excelled in extracurricular activities such as athletics, fine arts, FFA, 4-H and more. Our goal is to help students prepare for their future, which extends well beyond standardized tests or classroom assignments. We want our students to leave BISD ready to excel in their next stage of life, whether that is joining the workforce, attending college, enlisting in the military and more.”

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Boerne ISD 2021-22 REPORT CARD

District                                    A          94

Boerne High                              A          90

Champion High                         A          91

Middle School North                 A          93

Middle School South                 A          93

Voss Middle School                   A          93

Cibolo Creek Elementary           B          89

Curington Elementary               B          87

Fabra Elementary                      A          93

Fair Oaks Ranch Elementary      A          94

Herff Elementary                      A          91

Kendall Elementary                   A          94

Van Raub Elementary                A          93

Source: Texas Education Agency






Boerne Star