Friday, March 14, 2025 at 1:35 AM

It’s time to spend the weekend with you

Hey, here we are! Welcome to the weekend! …

Thanks for joining us as we venture into this new and exciting chapter in the history of The Boerne Star. We’re thrilled to be with you today as we present to you our first-ever weekend edition.

It’s a pleasure for me to be here and to have you join me for Coffee with Keith. Hopefully, you’re doing just that … enjoying a cup of coffee as you read and peruse your way through this column as well as all of your Boerne Star.

It really is an exciting time for us here at the paper as we venture into this new chapter. We’ve worked hard for a couple of months getting things ready to bring you this weekend edition, as well as future Saturday/Sunday editions of the paper.

You’ve already experienced the first part of our transition as earlier this week our longtime Tuesday paper changed to Wednesday and became an online-only publication. Hopefully, you took the time to enjoy that edition which contained the same kinds of things you’ve craved and read for decades.

Remember, we’re 116 years old!

Please note all this still is a work in progress, and we continually will tweak what we bring you, taking into consideration many options and possibilities and boiling it down into what you’re reading today.

I hope you enjoy our added features, like the wine column, some comic strips and a Wednesday review in case you missed it. We also plan to give you a beer column and potentially some other things as we move forward.

Being a forever newspaperman, it’s been fun for me to plan and organize what you have before you. And please remember we have taken a lot of time to bring you what we believe is the best product available with the tools and options available to us.

This is a changing industry, and we’re doing our best to keep up with the times as well as to provide you with a strong product that continues to give you the news and information you need while also continuing to be Kendall County’s leading news and information source.

For me, one of life’s greatest pleasures is taking the time to enjoy a cup of coffee while reading a newspaper. It’s a match made in heaven as I’m a self-proclaimed coffee connoisseur and a career journalist. And I honestly think that moving the Friday Star to the weekend is a terrific thing, and having my column available during the traditionally more leisurely time during the weekend is a good thing.

We certainly hope you agree.

Growing up, even when I was young, I remember always looking at my hometown newspaper, which at the time was a Monday through Friday afternoon publication with a Saturday morning edition included. It wasn’t until I actually worked there in the 1990s that we added a Sunday paper.

I was heavily involved with that transition, too.

As a youngster, I devoured the sports pages – and I was in them quite often. I also always at least glanced at the front page and read the comics, which still, in my opinion, are a key element of any newspaper.

But there was something special on the front page of the Saturday paper. Down the left rail was a weekly column: Over a Cup of Coffee.

For the life of me, I can’t remember who penned it. It was an integral part of my hometown newspaper from 1961 to about 1994. It featured life in my hometown, thoughts and personal stories that allowed the reader to get to know the columnist.

Sound familiar at all?

I hope so.

I still have this image of both my parents reading that Saturday paper – over a cup of coffee. Again, I remember doing the same thing. And, I actually have a collector’s coffee cup advertising that very column. It’s a keepsake, and it’s proudly displayed in my home.

So, again, coffee and Keith go together in so many ways – like peanut butter and jelly, bride and gorrm and brick and mortar – and it’s more appropriate and enjoyable than ever for me to be a part of your Weekender Boerne Star.

Please sit back, relax and enjoy your Boerne Star today, next Wednesday, next weekend and every week from now on … over a cup of coffee or whatever your favorite beverage is.

Our motto is truer now than ever. We’re local yesterday, today and tomorrow.

And it’s our pleasure to bring it to you now on the weekend, as well as in the middle of the week.

Here’s to The Weekender … and to Kendall County’s leading news and information source.

Thanks for having Coffee with Keith. And, as always, thanks for reading.




Boerne Star