Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 8:24 PM

To believe is simply not enough for us

Editor’s note: This is a reprinted column from Jack Purcell’s “On the Journey” archives. It originally appeared in The Star in 2013.

There can be much confusion about spiritual matters because of language. As you have no doubt noticed, two people can be using the same word or words and have a totally different meaning in mind.

This is an issue to be concerned about when it has to do with matters of the spirit.

One of my favorite writers is the humorist Dave Barry. About once a year he would publish an article in the paper called “Mr. Language Person.” Well, this week’s column is going to be a poor imitation of Mr. Language Person.

The word to be considered is “believe.” You are probably familiar with a verse from Acts 16:31 that says, “And they said, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. …’”

This is a classic example of how important it is to understand the meaning of the language.

What for example, does the word “believe” mean? Just a guess here, but I think it is safe to assume that you and I both believe things that are not true. Case in point, have you been reading your email and the Internet? 

Anybody can believe something and it does not have any impact on the way he or she goes about life. For a long time people believed the world was flat.

Some people believe that professional wrestling is real. Some televangelists believe that everybody who calls themselves Christian should be wealthy like they are.

You see, believing something that really doesn’t amount to much when it comes to God unless we know the meaning of the word.

This is where Mr. Language Person may cause you some consternation because the true meaning of the biblical use of the word “believe” makes the whole thing a lot more difficult.

Let’s look at it this way: If you believe in your head or mind that something is true, but it really doesn’t have eternal consequences, it’s not a big deal if you find out you were wrong.

However, if you know that the real meaning of believe is trust, now that changes the whole game.

If you or I have been “believing” God in our head and not trusting him in our heart, we are headed for a train wreck.

Why? Because head believers tend to think they are still in control of things. Heart believers who chose to trust God no matter what comes know they can’t control their lives no matter how hard they try.

Let’s put it this way, is there anything in your life that you are struggling with, something hard that you feel is controlling you rather than you controlling it?

Have you tried believing God for this thing and it doesn’t seem to help?

Try this new approach. Don’t ask God to take it away or change it, but rather trust him with it and with your life. It is harder but oh so much more rewarding.

“Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.” – Proverbs 3:5-6 (MSG)





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