Friday, March 14, 2025 at 12:48 AM

Calendar of events


• Farmers Market at Herff Farm, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Join us at the Farmers Market at Herff Farm and enjoy locally produced products and goods from small businesses and farms in the Texas Hill Country. Herff Farm offers trails and programming for children and adults. More information is available at

• Flying Wild Workshop, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Cibolo Nature Center, 140 City Park Road.

Educators will learn how to conduct Flying Wild lessons and participate in hands-on activities from the activity guide, which teaches basic bird biology, identification, ecology, conservation and service-learning activities. Snacks and coffee are provided, but bring lunch to get everything covered in this workshop. This class qualifies as a six-hour continuing education credit. This class is held in the Cibolo Nature Center’s Auditorium. Register on

• Forest Therapy, 9-11 a.m. We will guide you through interactions designed to improve your relationships with others and the more-than-human world. Join us for a meditative walk on the Woodlands Trail and bring water, sunscreen and comfortable shoes. We will meet in the parking lot of the Cibolo Nature Center before heading out on the trails. Register at

• Storytime at Herff Farm, 10-11 a.m., Herff Farm, 33 Herff Road.

 Join Miss Constance of the Patrick Heath Public Library for a fun adventure at the amphitheater at Herff Farm. This is a great free activity for families enjoying the farmers market.

• Art in Conservation: Watercolor, 10 a.m.-noon, Herff Farm, 33 Herff Road.

Join international artist Jeannette MacDougall and Rebecca Burritt in a watercolor class where you learn to paint with the practice of the basic techniques: glazing, wet-in-wet, dry brush and more. This class is hosted inside or outside the Herff House and is offered every Saturday. Learn more at

Old Jail Museum Tours, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.,  the Old Jail Museum, 208 E. San Antonio Ave.

The Kendall County Historic Jail was constructed in 1887 and served for a century as the county jail. In recent years, the Friends of the Kendall County Historic Jail has restored the space, bringing it back to life as a one-of-a-kind museum of Kendall County history. 



• Forest Therapy, 9-11 a.m. We will guide you through interactions designed to improve your relationships with others and the more-than-human world. Join us for a meditative walk on the Woodlands Trail and bring water, sunscreen and comfortable shoes. We will meet in the parking lot of the Cibolo Nature Center before heading out on the trails. Register at



• Tech Time, 10 a.m., Patrick Heath Public Library lobby

• Reality Readers Book Group, noon, Patrick Heath Public Library conference room.



• Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting, Day 1 Bags, 11:30 a.m., chamber office, 121 S. Main St.

• Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting, Chick-fil-A Leon Springs, 1:30 p.m., Boerne ISD athletic office, 210 Live Oak St.

 • Tech Time, 2 p.m., Patrick Heath Public Library lobby.



• Art in Conservation: Drawing from Nature, 10 a.m.-noon, Herff Farm, 33 Herff Road.

Join international artist Jeannette MacDougall and Rebecca Burritt. The Art of Drawing is simply a form of mark-making. With the practice of the basic skills of blind contour, proportion, value and detail, we learn to draw what we see through our interpretation. We develop a new awareness and appreciation of the natural beauty in the world around us. This class is hosted inside or outside the Herff House and is offered every Wednesday. Learn more at

• Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce Leads Group, 11 a.m., chamber office, 121 S. Main St.

• Writers’ Roundtable, 1 p.m., Patrick Heath Public Library study room.

• Tech Time, 1 p.m., Patrick Heath Public Library lobby.



• Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce Leads Group, 8 a.m., chamber office, 121 S. Main St.

• Mary’s Potpourri Book Group, 10 a.m., Patrick Heath Public Library conference room.

• Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting, Happy Heart Pediatrics, 11:30 a.m., 34910 Interstate 10 West, Suite 501.

• Drawing Club, 1:30 p.m., Patrick Heath Public Library conference room.

• Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting, Thirty Eight & Vine, 1:30 p.m., 302 S. Main St.

• Tech Time, 2 p.m., Patrick Heath Public Library lobby.

• Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce After 5 Mixer, 5-7 p.m., United Texas Credit Union, 1440 S. Main St. Mixers are free for all chamber members to attend.



Active Movement, Qi gong, 10 a.m., Patrick Heath Public Library community room.

• Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce member orientation, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., chamber boardroom, 121 S. Main St.

A light lunch will be provided. RSVP for this event by emailing [email protected]. Member orientation is for the chamber’s newest members, new employees of established members or veteran members who would like a refresher. Attendees will get detailed information on the Boerne chamber and the benefits of membership.

• Family Night Hikes: Explore the Cibolo at Night, 7:30-9 p.m., Cibolo Nature Center, 140 City Park Road.

Join the Cibolo Staff as they walk the trails learning about all the nocturnal animals that call the Cibolo home. This is a hike suitable for children. Attendees should bring comfortable shoes, a flashlight and a water bottle. Register on



Beers & Gears Car Show, all day, Tusculum Brewing Co., 236 S. Main St.

Bring a car to show off or come to enjoy the festivities and admire a great collection of awesome vehicles. Come on out and enjoy some beer, food, live music in the evening, and check out the cars! Bring a lawn chair to enjoy the music in their outdoor space. This is a free event and it is open to the public.

Kuhlmann-King Museum tours, all day, Kuhlman-King Historical Complex, 402 E. Blanco Road.

Take a tour around the Kuhlmann- King property to step back in time. Experience and explore how a Boerne family would have lived in the late 1800s. Keep an eye out for different educational programs each month.

• Farmers Market at Herff Farm, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Join us at the Farmers Market at Herff Farm and enjoy locally produced products and goods from small businesses and farms in the Texas Hill Country. Herff Farm offers trails and programming for children and adults. More information is available at

• Art in Conservation: Watercolor, 10 a.m.-noon, Herff Farm, 33 Herff Road.

Join international artist Jeannette MacDougall and Rebecca Burritt in a watercolor class where you learn to paint with the practice of the basic techniques: glazing, wet-in-wet, dry brush and more. This class is hosted inside or outside the Herff House and is offered every Saturday. Learn more at

Old Jail Museum Tours, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.,  the Old Jail Museum, 208 E. San Antonio Ave.

The Kendall County Historic Jail was constructed in 1887 and served for a century as the county jail. In recent years, the Friends of the Kendall County Historic Jail has restored the space, bringing it back to life as a one-of-a-kind museum of Kendall County history. 

Bluegrass Jam at The AgriCultural, 11 a.m.- 1 p.m.,  The AgriCultural Museum, 102 City Park Road.

Every second and fourth Saturdays of the month, bring your instrument and play along, or just come to listen to the Bluegrass Jam at The AgriCultural! (Formerly the Agricultural Heritage Museum) This event is free and open to the public.



• Country Gospel Show & Luncheon, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Sisterdale Dance Hall & Opera House, 1210 Sisterdale Road. Experience the high-energy songs of old-time gospel music as heard on the Grand Ole Opry and WGM Radio of the 1930s & 1940s. The show takes place the last Sunday of every month. Visit to purchase tickets.





Boerne Star