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From July 14-16, five Kendall County Democrats attended the 2022 Texas Democratic Convention in Dallas. Throughout the event, leading state Democrats shared their vision of how to create a more equitable and stronger Texas.

From July 14-16, five Kendall County Democrats attended the 2022 Texas Democratic Convention in Dallas. Throughout the event, leading state Democrats shared their vision of how to create a more equitable and stronger Texas.

Here are some of the best quotes:

“We all want to work for world-class schools, the ability to see a doctor, the best jobs in the country. Imagine a government that pays teachers enough so they don’t have to work a second job and listens to them when they say that the STAAR test doesn’t work and we need to get rid of it. Imagine a government that will make sure Texas is an affordable place to live. Who will fight until we take the actions needed to stop future mass shootings? The answer to this moment is action. It’s talking to our fellow Texans and getting them to vote.”

– Beto O’Rourke, nominee for governor. “As lieutenant governor, I will lead the fight to amend the Texas Constitution to ban private school vouchers forever. Vouchers are for vultures. Our cherished teachers change people’s lives. I will fight to make sure we have the best public schools in the nation.” – Mike Collier, nominee for lieutenant governor.

“No one, however humble, is beneath the protection of the law, and no one, no matter how powerful, is above its reach. Let’s fight for the Texas we deserve.” – Rochelle Garza, nominee for attorney general.

“We have the highest CO2 emissions in the country. We lead the nation in billion-dollar natural disasters. We are 44th in K-12 per-pupil spending. The power of the General Land Office can prepare us for the future, to be a force of good for all Texans.” – Jay Kleberg, nominee for land commissioner.

“I’ve seen how Democratic policies like rural electrification lift up rural America. I’ll fight for rural healthcare and sustainable agriculture. Democrats fight for human rights, we respect ethics and the rule of law. Texas is broken, and we are here to fix it.” – Susan Hays, nominee for agriculture commissioner.

“It shouldn’t be a partisan issue to keep the lights on. Texas is the energy capital of the world – so why is our grid constantly on the edge of collapse? You shouldn’t have to live in fear that the grid will fail every time it’s too hot or too cold.” – Luke Warford, nominee for railroad commission (which regulates the oil and gas industry, not railroads).

“I believe in expanding rural broadband, fully funding public education, creating well-paying jobs and fixing the grid and fixing it smart. Government exists to provide services. Instead, we’re 45th in public education, we’re 43rd in public health, we’re 41st in air and water quality. We’re the second-largest economy in the nation; we deserve world-class services.” – Janet Dudding, nominee for comptroller.

“We need to focus on people who don’t vote and explain to them how their vote can make a difference. When I block walked, I found a lot of conservatives who are angry the lack of action on gun safety (and other issues). They’re beginning to realize that they have been voting in a way that jeopardizes their best interests. Don’t leave this convention without a plan to talk to voters and convince them to vote in their best interests in November.” – Erin Zweiner, Texas House District 45.

“You have proven that our Democratic values have a home here in Texas. If we want to keep moving forward, we have to win in November. The Democratic National Committee is supporting the Texas Democratic Party Voter Protection team to help every eligible Texan to vote. In November, we vote for a Texas where anything is possible and where the rights of all are protected.” – Jaime Harrison, chair, Democratic National Committee.

“Gun violence is a public health crisis, which means gun violence can be prevented. ‘More guns’ is not the answer. Guns are the No. 1 cause of death for kids in the United States. For our children’s sakes, we need to pass common sense gun safety solutions. Things like requiring universal background checks for all firearm sales, raising the minimum age to purchase a gun to 21, implementing red flag laws, banning assault rifles like we did in the 1990s, and regulating high-capacity magazines for civilians. Texas Democrats have fought for these ideas for years in every single session.” – César Blanco, Texas Senate District 29.

The time to get involved is now. For more information on how to elect new leadership this fall or how to get involved, call our office at 830-331-1243 or visit

Laura Bray is chair of the Kendall County Democratic Party.




Boerne Star