Friday, March 14, 2025 at 2:35 AM

Comfort author, artist featured at Museum of Western Art

“Luckenbach Legacy: Hondo’s Daughter” opened to record crowds this past Saturday at the Museum of Western Art in Kerrville. The exhibit runs through Sept. 17 and features the art of Comfort’s Becky Crouch Patterson.

“Luckenbach Legacy: Hondo’s Daughter” opened to record crowds this past Saturday at the Museum of Western Art in Kerrville. The exhibit runs through Sept. 17 and features the art of Comfort’s Becky Crouch Patterson.

Patterson is a fifth-generation Texan and was raised on her parents ranch not far from Luckenbach. She currently lives on the 130-year-old Stieler Home Ranch headquarters in Comfort.

Her pride in the Hill Country led her to write three best-selling books, “Hondo, My Father,” “The Ranch That Was Us” and “Luckenbach: The Center of the Universe” published in 2018. The multi-talented Patterson writes; paints; designs hats, boots and clothing; and makes tapestries and furnishings for churches with her creative style, always paying tribute to her Texas roots.

Captured in Patterson’s paintings is a cultural moment in Hill Country history that can be recognized in her ideological interpretations of the local environment wherein she grew up. They depict the landscapes of the Texas Hill Country combining both realism and modernist influences, providing at times a sad reflection in the passing of time.

Patterson’s imaginative and beautiful writing about her remarkable folk hero father, Hondo Crouch, and his idyllic town is a testament that the free thought of the 1850 German Texas “freidenkers” has not been silenced. The extremely sad stories of the Civil War are fascinating.

Luckenbach’s pioneer history is captivating and explains its Texas-German culture. The funny and creative details of Hondo Crouch’s imagination and unrestrained humor are what we need now to escape, albeit briefly, from this crazy world.

Patterson also shares how Luckenbach – with the help of Willie, Waylon and a handful of Hondo’s poet songwriter friends – was the scene that gave rise to Texas “outlaw” music of the 70s. Luckenbach, the biggest little town in Texas, somehow managed to rock the world.

Willie Nelson once said, “As a writer, Becky is a chip off one of her father, Hondo’s, whittlings. She has his same eagle-eye observations, as well as a poetic voice of truth and clarity.”

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HCCArts Calendar

• Last weekend for Boerne Community Theatre’s, Dear Ruth, which runs through July 31, directed by Jerry Watson and co-produced by John and Jerri Hinrichs.

Using the name of an elder sister, a young girl carries on romantic correspondence with an overseas soldier. The soldier returns, finding his distant lover already engaged ... but through several plot twists and turns there is a happy ending.

While at the theatre, visit the Boardroom for Boerne Art League’s annual show and sale. Call for reservations: 830-249- 9166. The theatre is located at 907 E. Blanco Road in Boerne.

• Hill Country Arts Foundation’s “Matilda” is scheduled through August 6. Ronald Dahl’s “Matilda, the Musical” is based on the book by Dennis Kelly with music and lyrics by Tim Minchin. It will be performed in the outdoor theater at 120 Point Theatre Road in Ingram and runs Friday and Saturday nights at 8:30 p.m. Call 830-367-5121 for tickets.

HCCArts Art

AfterHours 2022

Series 5 classes begin July 26 and are scheduled from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays in the comfort of The Classroom at the AgriCultural Museum and Arts Center, 102 City Park Road, Boerne. The cost is $35 each session with discount with membership. Class descriptions and limited registration at www.hccarts. org/workshops.

• July 26: Sublimation Printing.

Sublimation printing is printing on paper and transferring the image to an object. We will design our imagery on paper using sublimation ink, and through the process of heat transfer the image to a substrate. If you have wanted to try this popular process, this class is your chance to do so.

• August 2: Sand Candles.

Learn old-world techniques of candle making. Create a one-of-a-kind pour candle through a process using a mold made from sand. It’s a perfect accessory for a summer evening. We will use soy wax in the traditional methods of candle making to create original personalized candles complete with color and scent.

• August 9 and 16: Faux Cameo parts 1 and 2.

• August 23: Gel Plate Transfers.

• August 30: Felt Making.

The artwork of Becky Crouch Patterson, “Luckenbach Legacy: Hondo’s Daughter,” is featured at Museum of Western Art in Kerrville.

The artwork of Becky Crouch Patterson, “Luckenbach Legacy: Hondo’s Daughter,” is featured at Museum of Western Art in Kerrville.




Boerne Star