Saturday, January 11, 2025 at 3:50 AM

Discussing the American majority

Our Republican candidate was on the campaign trail. He stopped at a family-owned diner. It was a busy time, every seat occupied.

Our Republican candidate was on the campaign trail. He stopped at a family-owned diner. It was a busy time, every seat occupied.

He greeted the owner as she scurried around to serve her customers. When they had a minute, he explained that he was a Republican candidate for the United States Senate. He asked what he could do to help her. She put both hands on her hips and declared, “You could get out of my way!”

She was referring to oppressive government intrusion in her business: High taxes, burdensome regulations, barriers to work, government waste and corruption, inflation, etc. Yes, her one request was to get the government out of her way. And the Republican party believes that the least government is the best government. She votes for the GOP.

Here are some more ideas that Republicans support, along with the majority of Americans. The national media is not interested in these types of things. They would rather talk about the latest wacko ideas from the leftist fringes. But what follows are ideas that a majority of Americans agree on, aligned with our Republican principles. Thanks to the American Majority Project for the research.

Seven of every eight Americans agree with this statement: “America is a good country.”

A majority of every race, age and both genders agree with that statement. Yet, some Americans tirelessly spew a litany of what is wrong with America. They want to tear it down. Republicans don’t.

Sure, American history has its failures. But the vast majority of Americans think our country is good. Let’s work to make it better, OK?

Throughout our great American history, problems have been identified and fixed. Let’s continue to make America even better for future generations.

A large majority of Americans also agree that “ensuring equality and equal treatment and opportunities for all races and both genders is more important than ensuring equity, which refers to equal outcomes and results.”

Republicans believe in freedom, economic growth and opportunity for every American. And we believe every American is entitled to pursue his or her own happiness. We aim to restore the America that works; where the government does not pay people to stay home.

We think the best remedy for poverty, and the best path to prosperity, is a job. Those who are able to work should work. The majority of Americans agree.

Two of every three American voters agree with this statement: “Limited federal spending and balancing the federal budget will reduce inflation.”

A majority of every demographic group agrees with it, including a whopping 81 percent of Republicans and 74 percent of Hispanic voters. Yet, we see trillion-dollar spending sprees from Washington.

Politicians need to take heed. Instead of dreaming up yet another government boondoggle, they should manage our tax money responsibly. Rather than pretending that a government program is the answer to every problem, they should work on getting the government out of our way.

How about student loan debt? Washington is debating proposals to cancel student loan debt. Naturally, those on the receiving end think it’s a great idea. But the majority of Americans don’t. They agree with the following statements.

• It would be unfair to the tens of millions of Americans who paid back their loans and would then have to pay back other people’s loans with their tax dollars.

• It will add hundreds of billions of dollars to the national debt, which will make inflation worse.

Politicians need to pay attention and drop their expensive, unfair student loan debt cancellation proposals. A majority of American voters agree.

On the subject of climate change, most Americans understand that policies which lead to job losses and higher prices are foolish. Our Texas energy industry can keep American energy independence, if the feds will just get out of the way. Higher taxes, burdensome regulations, canceled pipelines and higher gasoline costs are not the path to a lower emissions future.

Of course, American public opinion only matters for those who vote. That’s why it is crucial for responsible Americans to turn up at election time to cast a ballot. It is easy to vote in Texas and hard to cheat. And the GOP is working hard to implement election integrity measures in the rest of America.

Our next election is in November. The first day of early voting in Texas is October 24. It can’t get here soon enough. Let’s tell the politicians what the majority of Americans think.

Scott S. Kramer is a Kendall County Republican.




Boerne Star
