Saturday, January 11, 2025 at 1:05 AM

Now that you know it, live it

Editor’s note: This is a reprinted column from Jack Purcell’s “On the Journey” archives. It originally appeared in The Star in 2013.

Editor’s note: This is a reprinted column from Jack Purcell’s “On the Journey” archives. It originally appeared in The Star in 2013.

If you have read this column regularly you know by now that I am a great fan of the writing of Eugene Peterson. The passage we are going to look at today is from The Message, found in Colossians 2:6-7.

Peterson always seems to be able to put the old language into new language in a way that makes you think, “I wish I could put my thoughts together like that.” Take a look and see what I mean.

“My counsel for you is simple and straightforward: Just go ahead with what you’ve been given. You received Christ Jesus, the Master; now live him. You’re deeply rooted in him. You’re well-constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you’ve been taught. School’s out; quit studying the subject and start living it! And let your living spill over into thanksgiving.”

These two little verses are so packed with wisdom and truth it is probably best just to camp on a phrase until is sinks in and then move on to the next.

I hope you can do that with this passage because it has the potential to clarify our thinking and our practice all at one time.

Just think of these two simple statements. “Just go ahead with what you’ve been given” and “You received Christ Jesus, the Master; now live him.”

This doesn’t mean you have no further need for spiritual growth, but it does mean that you already have enough to live on.

You might be one of those Christians who thinks that you don’t have anything to offer because you don’t know enough Bible. Ask yourself this question: “How much Bible did the folks Paul was writing to have?”

We would all be better off if we quit trying to measure our spiritual growth and just settle into the life we have in Jesus. There is a point at which we just need to relax.

When I was commanding troops as a second lieutenant, I would give a command “At ease,” which meant you don’t have to stand at attention, just relax until you get further instruction.

If you don’t take that analogy too far, that’s how it is for us. Live for today. Live in the moment.

Next, Paul makes three statements. “You are rooted in and constructed on him.” That is an amazing foundation for living the Christian life, don’t you think?

“And you know your way around the faith.” It is so important for us to always remember that we are inhabited by the Spirit of God. Do not let the enemy try to tell you that you are just a poor sinner trying to carry on the Christian life the best you know how.

Now Paul gets up in our face just a little. He has reminded us of who we are and our position in Christ and in so many words says, “so get your head out of your spiritual navel and start acting like who you are.” In other words our identity is crucial.

Ian Thomas said, “Most Christians spend their life trying to become what they already are.”

Women seem to be more apt to do this than men. I know women who go from one conference to another and in between they are in several Bible studies. My guess is that Paul would say, “Hey folks, how about spending some of that time just serving others who are in need of love and encouragement?”

And finally, let all that knowledge and foundation spill over into thanksgiving. Rejoice in the Lord always!




Boerne Star
