Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 2:21 PM




The following is a brief, partial recap of incidents reported by the Boerne Police Department, Kendall County Sheriff’s Department and the Fair Oaks Ranch Police Department. General locations are listed rather than specific addresses. An arrest should not imply guilt or innocence which will be decided in court at a later date. Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call the Boerne Police at 830-249-8645, the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office at 830-249-9721, the Fair Oaks Ranch Police Department at 210-698-0990 or Kendall County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) or


May 29

12:37 a.m., 200 block Hwy 46 E.- An individual was arrested during a traffic stop after a standard field sobriety test was conducted.

9:55 a.m., 300 block Deer Creek- A woman said the patio furniture she bought was stolen and said BPD was supposed to come pick it up.

1:07 p.m., 100 block E. Evergreen- A river turtle made its way into a woman’s pool. She compared it to the size of an 8-inch dinner plate and needed assistance removing it.

4:06 p.m., 400 block W. Bandera Rd.- A woman was seen stumbling around on the busy road, and a man suspected she was on drugs.

4:28 p.m., 134 Menger Springs- A woman said her boyfriend assaulted her while they were in a car together. Her friend picked her up and drove her to the emergency room, and her boyfriend followed them there, waiting in the emergency room until officers arrived.

9:02 p.m., 100 block Cimarron- A woman was arrested after getting drunk and attempting to break into her soon-to-be-ex-husband’s home.


May 29

7:20 a.m., Possum Creek Road- A woman called 911 when her 40-yearold son got out of control after drinking. He was demanding his parents give him a gun so he could “end it,” but the family seemed to work things out.

10:07 a.m., 300 block Marvil Lee Dr.- A woman suspected someone attempted to break into her home while she was away on vacation. Nothing was stolen, and there was no damage to her home.

10:51 a.m., 100 block Point Rd.- Gillespie County law enforcement agents asked deputies to check on a woman in Comfort after someone in Gillespie reported seeing a woman walking down the road who was thrown into a truck by a man who pulled up beside her.

3:39 p.m., 300 block Deer Rd.- An employee with Fish and Wildlife was with the new owners of a property who unearthed the remains of bodies they weren’t notified about during the sale. It was the tomb of a baby horse.

7:57 p.m., 1500 block S. Main St.- A man was arrested during a traffic stop.

9:51 p.m., 800 block N. Main St.- Another individual was arrested during a traffic stop.




Boerne Star