Friday, March 14, 2025 at 2:50 AM

Bowhunter By Fall aims to prepare archers for fall hunting season

Texans desiring to harvest their own meals, improve on or a learn a new skill and take part in outdoor adventures can do just that through the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s (TPWD) Community Archery Program. “Bowhunter by Fall” is a series of monthly and bi-monthly e-newsletters filled with videos and clips, giving archers the skills to travel from behind the keyboard to behind the bow just in time for the fall hunting season.

Texans desiring to harvest their own meals, improve on or a learn a new skill and take part in outdoor adventures can do just that through the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s (TPWD) Community Archery Program. “Bowhunter by Fall” is a series of monthly and bi-monthly e-newsletters filled with videos and clips, giving archers the skills to travel from behind the keyboard to behind the bow just in time for the fall hunting season.

“Bowhunter by Fall” e-newsletters contain infor mation on how to take and pass Hunter Education and help aspiring bowhunters understand the gear they’ll need before hitting the field. Recipients can also expect tips on archery training, finding a mentor, locating public hunting lands, understanding license requirements and knowing what to look for in a good hunting spot.

Anyone interested in receiving “Bowhunter by Fall” e-newsletters can sign up on the Community Archery Program page of the TPWD website. Those signed up can anticipate seven e-newsletter editions over a period of five months.

“Bowhunting may seem like a tough sport to get started with but really, it’s easiest with a mentor or someone to help guide you in the beginning stages,” said Rob Owen, TPWD’s Outreach and Recruitment Manager. “’Bowhunter By Fall’ is meant to help you, or a friend, be field ready via a timeline of steps, resources and tips. Hopefully it helps you shoot some arrows this fall and for many hunting seasons to come.”




Boerne Star