Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 1:50 AM

Boerne Art League announces artist of the month

Lleanna Griffin Brinsmade is Boerne Art League’s Artist of the Month for June.

Lleanna Griffin Brinsmade is Boerne Art League’s Artist of the Month for June.

“Opening Night” is a colorful series of original pastel paintings created by Griffin, a Boerne pastel portraiture artist who was inspired by characters and music experienced on opening night at a very special music venue back in 2019. The “other walls” exhibit is a lovely crossover of visual art celebrating the fine art of music.

Six of seven pieces in the series are on exhibit now in the lobbies of Kronkosky Place and five banks in Boerne until June 30: Main Street locations for Frost Bank, Jefferson Bank, Texas Heritage Bank and Security State Bank and Bank of America located on W. San Antonio St. across from Main Plaza.

Brinsmade’s arts education began in 2014 when her elderly mother, who suffered from degenerating vision, passed her a pastel stick in a neighborhood art class. Brinsmade quickly found herself drawn to pastel portraits, aiming to capture her subjects’ likenesses while letting their inner joy shine through.

After a two-year painting hiatus because of car accident injuries, she resumed painting, being recently inspired by musicians and the music they bring us. She said she is deeply grateful for this new gift and where it leads her.

A native Texan, Brinsmade is a Trinity University alumna and retired project management professional.

Artists groups interested in visiting The Classroom to discuss the possibilities, send inquiry to [email protected].

Join HCCArts at 6:30 p.m. on June 25 at Bier-Fest sponsor Salvador Dobbs. If you are Verruckt (crazy) and want to experience the thrill of holding a beer stein further from your mouth and for a longer amount of time than nature ever intended, try masskrugstemmen.

Masskrugstemmen, or beer stein holding, is a relatively new sport in America, but its popularity has been growing quickly. Here is everything you need to know about the world’s greatest fest sport. Stein holding is a tradi

Stein holding is a traditional Bavarian strength contest in which competitors hold a full one-liter beer stein, or masskrug, out in front of their bodies with a straight arm and parallel to the ground. You hold this position as long as you can, and the last person holding with good form is the winner. Masskrugstemmen is pronounced MAHSS-kroog-stem-men. Or you can save your strength for the competition and simply call it stein holding.

A one-liter glass stein alone should weigh about 3 pounds and beer filled to the 1-liter line weighs an additional 34 ounces, meaning a beer-filled glass stein should weigh about 5 pounds.

So, how does one train for a competition? Everyone is different, and being in good athletic condition helps, but the short answer is, “You basically just practice holding a filled stein a lot.”

Without training, an average guy can usually hold a filled stein somewhere in the 3-5 minute range with women lasting between 1-3 minutes.

HCCArts is a proud member of the U.S. Steinholding Association.

Like us on Facebook! Visit our website often at

HCCArts calendar

• Hill Country Arts Foundation hosts the Texas Watercolor Society in the gallery through June 30. It’s a national juried show you won’t want to miss. For information, visit or call 830-367-5121. The gallery is located at 120 Point Theatre Road South in Ingram.

• HCAF presents Neil Simon’s “Rumors,” a hilarious comedy performed in the outdoor theatre. Set in a New York townhouse, gathering for a 10th anniversary celebration, the host is injured under confusing circumstances. As miscommunications mount, the evening spins off into classic farcical hilarity. Show dates are Friday and Saturday nights through June 25. Call 830-367-5121 for information. The theater is 120 Point Theatre Road South, Ingram.

• “Summer Solstice” with Rudi & the Rudiments as part of the Music in the Cave series, Cave Without a Name Throne Room, 325 Kreutzberg Road northeast of Boerne, Saturday, June 18, 7:30 p.m. Rudi & the Rudiments has been performing concerts celebrating the summer solstice in the cave annually since 2002 with an eclectic lineup of genre-defying musicians playing various ancient and modern instruments. Each concert is different, but a portion of the show always is played in total darkness, providing a unique musical adventure.

Enjoy a variety of acoustic, worldbeat music styles featuring the words and music of singer/performance artist Rudi Harst (vocals, acoustic guitar, Native American flute, dulcimer, harmonica, Tibetan bowls), with award-winning Carol Elliott (vocals, guitar), Neal Woodall (mandolin, guitar), Dan Klein (trombone, shofar, conch), Kiko Guererro (percussion), Michael Madison (djembe), Ray Palmer (guitar, keyboard), Stephen Padilla (Native American flute), and Michael Mc-Neal (bass).

Tickets are $32 in advance or $37 at the door, if available. For information, call 830-537-4212 or email cwan@cavewithoutaname. com.

• “American Stories” with the Marbrel Trio as part of the Music in the Cave series, Cave Without a Name Throne Room, 325 Kreutzberg Road northeast of Boerne, Saturday, July 2. American Stories is a rousing exploration of American patriotic music and the story of American composers from Independence Day through modern times. American greats including Stephen Foster, Scott Joplin, George M. Cohan, Gershwin, Copland and Bernstein will be featured.

The Marbrel Trio consists of Mark Landson, viola; Brent Buemi, clarinet; and Eldred Marshall, keyboard. Allison Stanford will be a guest soprano. Tickets are $32 in advance or $37

Tickets are $32 in advance or $37 at the door, if available. For information, call 830-537-4212 or email cwan@cavewithoutaname. com.

HCCArts Art AfterHours 2022, Series 4

• Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m. in the comfort of The Classroom at the Agri-Cultural Museum and Arts Center, 102 City Park Road, Boerne. Cost is $35 each session, discount with membership. Class descriptions and limited registration at

• June 21: Rice Paper Resist. Dive into Tar Gel medium as we use this flowing resist to create translucent sheets of rice paper. Explore color and layers on rice paper substrate. Transform the opaque paper to a sheer graphic enhancement with the use of paint, stencils, palette knives and brushes.

• June 28: Indigo Dyeing. Experience the oldest form of textile dye used throughout the world for over 6,000 years. Watch the amazing transformation of this deep blue dye as it is exposed to oxygen. Practice the art of Shibori dyeing using folds, twists and forms to produce amazing patterns.

• July 5 and 12: Paper Clay Casting.

Lleanna Griffin Brinsmade, “Opening Night No. 1,” celebrating musicians, pastel, Boerne Art League, other walls exhibit.

Lleanna Griffin Brinsmade, “Opening Night No. 1,” celebrating musicians, pastel, Boerne Art League, other walls exhibit.




Boerne Star
