Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 2:21 PM




The following is a brief, partial recap of incidents reported by the Boerne Police Department and the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office. General locations are listed rather than specific addresses. An arrest should not imply guilt or innocence, which will be decided in court at a later date. Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call the Boerne Police at 830-249-8645, the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office at 830-249-9721 or Kendall County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) or


2:23 p.m., 400 block W. Bandera Rd.- A woman was concerned people were going to cause an accident by making U-turns on the busy city road to get out of traffic.

4:17 p.m., 700 block Johns Rd.- A woman wanted officer assistance because her daughter fell at school and had bruises all over her body. She wanted to file a report.

4:56 p.m., 1300 S. Main St.- A resident reported a woman came up to them and had a long conversation before asking for their number. She also flung her purse at them.

7:07 p.m., 100 block W. Fabra Lane- An employee at Hill Country Assisted Living reported a violent person was attacking staff, throwing a glass at them. The resident was upset they couldn’t smoke indoors.

Officers conducted 26 security checks, made 13 traffic stops, assisted the public 21 times, removed three traffic hazards and worked one false alarm, three non-injury accidents, three animal calls and two reckless drivers.

April 8

1:47 a.m., 1281 N. Main St.- A man was arrested outside of Albany Engineered Composites after he passed out in his vehicle.

5:26 a.m., 135 Old San Antonio Rd.- A Dodge Charger was reported stolen from the apartment complex.

12:32 p.m., 300 block N. Main St.- A woman kept getting calls from a toll number, and the person on the line kept getting vulgar and nasty with her.

12:31 p.m., 120 City Park- A man found what he thought was a cow bone while fishing, but he wanted officers to check it out.

2:20 p.m., 930 N. School St.- A woman showed up drunk at the Kendall County Women’s Shelter to complete her community service hours, but she was drunk.

5:01 p.m., 101 Herff Rd.- A manager at The Bevy Hotel reported a man was staying at the location that was known to use drugs and let his kids run down the halls of the hotel. The manager wanted the man removed.

7:45 p.m., 500 block River Rd.- A woman contained a duck around River Road and Plant Street that had a huge gash on its back that looked infected. Animal control was called.

8:57 p.m., 1540 River Rd.- An employee at Inferno’s Pizza reported a man inappropriately touched a juvenile woman working at the pizzeria. Officers tracked him down at Bush’s Chicken.

Officers conducted 10 security checks, made 13 traffic stops, assisted the public 21 times, removed three traffic hazards and worked six false alarms, five non-injury accidents, one animal call and four reckless drivers.

April 9

7:24 a.m., 100 block Chisholm- A woman woke up to find two of her windows broken and rock sitting inside her home.

12:58 p.m., 35000 I-10 W.- An employee wanted a woman who had been parked in the Comfort Inn & Suites parking lot pacing back and forth for about two hours removed. She had a little girl with her and wasn’t a guest.

4:01 p.m., 100 City Lake- A man was drinking beer and driving around the lake harassing women.

4:32 p.m., Main Street and Blanco Road- A man in his 60s reported his teeth were knocked out when he was hit by an umbrella.

5:35 p.m., Main Street and Rosewood Avenue- A driver was arrested during a traffic stop.

9:14 p.m., 100 block Cherry- A grandmother reported her 15-year-old granddaughter for being out past the juvenile curfew after she refused to return home.

Officers conducted six security checks, made 11 traffic stops, assisted the public 28 times, removed a traffic hazard and worked five false alarms, six non-injury accidents, two animal calls and two reckless drivers.


April 7

6:10 a.m., 1029 Hwy 87 S.- A dog refused to leave the store despite employee’s efforts. Animal Control took the pup to the pound.

2:46 p.m., 10300 block Johns Rd.- A man was told someone crashed through his fence, and he was concerned his livestock would escape. Deputies found no damage to the fence.

6:24 p.m., 580 Sunflower- A woman reported vehicles that “don’t belong” in the area and people walking around at night, which she considered suspicious.

7:27 p.m., 900 block Hwy 46 E.- A teacher reported a student texted a photo of themselves with their shirt up to her while she was at a soccer game.

April 8

9:01 a.m., 100 block Ammann Rd.- A mini horse too a mini stroll on the busy rural road.

10:06 a.m., 200 block E. San Antonio Rd.- Deputies successfully served a warrant.

10:26 a.m., Hwy 27 and Main Street- A man was reported arrested. However, 5 Star Towing reported the vehicle couldn’t be towed, and a dispatcher noted the man was showing as released.

1:28 p.m., 524 MM I-10 E.- A deputy detained a woman at gunpoint after she failed to pull over for a traffic stop.

6:41 p.m., 580 Sunflower- A woman was concerned when a 13-year-old girl, who was a friend of her son’s, answered the door with a gun pointed out. The girl said her parents gave her the gun because of the “people around the complex.” When deputies arrived, the girl could be heard yelling the safety was on, and she seemed upset the woman called 911. The father arrived home and said they’d come up with a new safety plan.

7:15 p.m., 100 block North Creek Rd.- Two cows and donkey played hooky together. An officer helped wrangle the rascals back home.

April 9

7:08 a.m., 1100 Grand- An older man fell unconscious at Menger Springs, blocking the door for staff to enter the room. Holt & Holt Funeral Home was called shortly after.

7:57 a.m., 100 block Crabapple Rd.- Three goats grazed on greener pastures.

2:28 p.m., 100 block Valley View Spur- A man said he was stabbed at the location and was transported to University Hospital, and his neighbor told him he now couldn’t go within 500 feet of the location he was stabbed at. He didn’t understand why.

3:51 p.m., 1300 block FM 1376- A pony got stuck in a barbed wire fence.

6:27 p.m., 300 block Hwy 46 W.- A 16-year-old girl and a 15-year-old girl got into a physical fight.

8:10 p.m., 42 Hwy 87 N.- A manager of the Chevron reported an argument between a manager and an employee at Chicken Express was taking place. The manager threatened to slap the employee.




Boerne Star