Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 2:25 PM



The following is a brief, partial recap of incidents reported by the Boerne Police Department and the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office. General locations are listed rather than specific addresses. An arrest should not imply guilt or innocence, which will be decided in court at a later date. Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call the Boerne Police at 830-249-8645, the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office at 830-249-9721 or Kendall County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) or


Boerne Police Department

April 3

12:54 p.m., 100 block July Lane- The mother who reported her son the night before was upset he was released from jail and back home the next afternoon.

1:05 p.m., 124 Old San Antonio Rd.- An attorney wanted to know if there is a curfew in Boerne for minors. There is.

2:36 p.m., 1520 S. Main St.- A woman wanted to formally report damage done to her 2013 Ram 1500 in a car wash at the Rapid Express Car Wash.

5:09 p.m., 100 City Lake- A woman reported children were swimming near a boat ramp where she said there are several signs indicating no swimming in the area. She said boats were trying to get in the water, but they couldn’t because of the swimmers.

9:16 p.m., 100 block Ebensberger- A man and his kids saw other children outside with a laser. That was all.

Officers conducted 31 security checks, made 18 traffic stops, assisted the public 16 times, removed three traffic hazards and worked two non-injury accidents and five reckless drivers.


April 4

12:46 a.m., 300 block Hickman- A woman reported her two sons refused to come home and suspected they were at their uncle’s house.

11:43 a.m., 200 block Lohmann St.- A man called police when a school notified him his son wasn’t at school even though he dropped his son off at school that morning. He suspected he was at a home on English Oak.

4:08 p.m., 100 block Red Bud- A 10-year-old girl ran out of her house without shoes on, and her parents couldn’t find her.

Officers conducted 11 security checks, made 12 traffic stops, assisted the public 20 times, removed two traffic hazards and worked two false alarms and one non-injury accident.


April 5

3:32 a.m., 31700 block I-10 W.- A man, who dispatchers suspected was intoxicated, reported he was being harassed again by the same person he previously reported had sexually assaulted him.

10:41 a.m., 420 W. Bandera Rd.- An H-E-B employee reported a man left in an older model Nissan Altima without paying for his groceries.

2:02 p.m., 300 block Lasso Falls- A man reported two teenagers were fighting while others stood around and recorded the incident.

7:03 p.m., 100 block Old San Antonio Rd.- A woman was concerned for a horse on property in town because it appeared to be skin and bones. Officers found the animal was free roaming and had food in a nearby hay feeder.

8:40 p.m., Main Street- A man reported his 16-year-old daughter was sexually assaulted by an 18-year-old man two weeks prior.

Officers conducted 15 security checks, made 27 traffic stops, assisted the public 27 times, removed three traffic hazards and worked nine false alarms, one non-injury accident, one animal call and one reckless driver.


April 6

6:21 a.m., 400 block English Oaks- A man reported his 16-year-old son missing. He hadn’t seen his son since 3 a.m. He found his son a couple hours later.

6:56 a.m., Ranger Creek and I-10- A man reported his 16-year-old daughter was sexually assaulted Sunday morning, but she couldn’t provide an exact address.

10:10 a.m., 134 Menger Springs- An employee at the emergency room round a bag of dirty IV needles and drug paraphernalia in the H-E-B parking lot.

5:49 p.m., 201 Charger Blvd.- A woman reported her vehicle was keyed at Champion High School.

8:06 p.m., 1000 Diamond Dr.- A man reported his roommate assaulted his dog previously and was now threatening him.

10:07 p.m., 1693 River Rd.- A resident reported a woman damaged their vehicle with a knife and a deer antler at Whataburger.

Officers conducted 24 security checks, made 15 traffic stops, assisted the public 23 times, removed four traffic hazards and worked six false alarms, six non-injury accidents, one animal call and two reckless drivers.


Kendall County Sheriff’s Office

April 3

9:14 p.m., Mill Dam and Lindner roads- A large great Pyrenees and a smaller version of the same breed were roaming the Hill Country. A man was working hard to keep them contained.

10:50 a.m., 43 N. Hwy 87- A manager at Love’s Travel Stop asked that a criminal trespass warning be issued for an employee. The guy liked to drink his car after work, and he was sleeping in his vehicle beside the building.

2:19 p.m., 100 block September Lane- A woman found a ‘possum on her porch.

4:40 p.m., 300 block Waring-Welfare Rd.- A woman snitched on three kids fishing with their dad at Big Joshua Creek. 

7:33 p.m., 10 block Upper Cibolo Creek Rd.- A woman reported someone was parasailing over her property. Deputies informed her on the laws of aviation.

8:17 p.m., 300 block N. Walnut Way- A resident was concerned about a man walking in the area because he appeared to be carrying a rifle but trying to hide it. The man was carrying a big stick. Deputies first tried to get him to drop it, but he explained he carries it for defense against loose dogs.

Deputies made 18 traffic stops, assisted the public 23 times, removed three traffic hazards and worked one false alarm, four non-injury accidents, seven animal calls and three reckless drivers.


April 4

11:01 a.m., Kreutzberg and Camp Alzafar- A cow was eating grass near the road. A woman was concerned about it.

2:29 p.m., 20 block Edminston Lane- A property manager asked deputies to come check out a hunting blind that wasn’t supposed to be there. Deputies told him to call the game warden.

2:47 p.m., Hwy 46 and Esperanza Boulevard- Four garish goats grazed freely.

4:31 p.m., 43 Hwy 87 N.- A man with many criminal trespass warnings for the Love’s Travel Stops for varying reasons needed to retrieve his tools from the business.

Deputies made 36 traffic stops, assisted the public 12 times, removed a traffic hazard and worked two false alarms, three non-injury accidents, three animal calls and five reckless drivers.


April 5

9:19 a.m., 200 block Hwy 46 E.- Six or seven rams were right up against the road. 

10:26 a.m., 523 MM I-10 E.- A man was arrested after a woman reported a vehicle tried to run her off the road, and two young men with tattoos laughed at her. A search was conducted by deputies before the arrest.

2:51 p.m., 100 block Ammann Rd.- A miniature pony was successfully wrangled by a woman. Now, she just needed to know who it belonged to.

5:19 p.m., 100 block Front St.- Deputies assisted another law enforcement agency by looking for a woman alleged to be held against her will by a construction worker. The woman and her alleged captor had left the inn in Comfort two weeks prior.

6:50 p.m., 100 block Madrone- A woman was upset a 17-year-old boy stopped and yelled at her sons for being too far into the road on their bikes. The mother told the driver to speak to her if she has a problem, and deputies told her to have her kids stay out of the roadway and obey traffic laws.

11:33 p.m., 533 MM I-10 E.- Two individuals were arrested during a traffic stop.

Deputies made 28 traffic stops, assisted the public 28 times, removed three traffic hazards and worked four false alarms, one non-injury accident, two animal calls and five reckless drivers.


April 6

6:53 a.m., 43 Hwy 87 N.- An employee at Love’s Travel Stop reported a man claimed he’d been assaulted. When deputies arrived, they found he was homeless, and no crime had taken place. Deputies gave him a courtesy ride.

8:15 a.m., 3710 block I-10 W.- A woman said a man burn down her house and suspected he wanted to kill her before killing himself. Deputies advised her on how to file for a protective order and told her to file a report with Bandera County.

11:18 a.m., 400 block Lakeside Circle- A woman was upset after a delivery truck damaged her tree. The truck also damaged a neighbor’s gate keypad.

11:43 a.m., 520 MM I-10 E.- Two grown men used deputies to mediate their road rage because one driver wouldn’t get out of the left lane to let the other driver pass by. The men got upset when neither was getting in trouble and life went on.

5:18 p.m., 100 block Valley View Spur- A man was airlifted to University Hospital after his father stabbed him in the side several times because he hit his mother. She suspected her son was on meth, and the father was applying pressure to the wound. The mother said she was hit in the face but fine.

9:56 p.m., 600 block South St.- A woman called 911 when a strange Toyota sedan parked in her driveway. Deputies talked to the guy, and a girl he was “hooking up with” sent him the wrong address. He left without any trouble.

Deputies made 18 traffic stops, assisted the public 21 times, removed four traffic hazards and worked four false alarms, one non-injury accident, four animal calls and five reckless drivers.





Boerne Star