Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 11:56 PM

Opportunity to learn to ‘paint digitally’

Opportunity to learn to ‘paint digitally’
HCCA Artist In Resident’s Susan Reich’s “Suncatcher” digital painting, an example of what Reich will lead during her April 5 class. Courtesy photo


Time to learn something new ...

Hill Country Council for the Arts invites the public to join artist Susan Reich at The Classroom at The Agri-Cultural Museum and Arts Center, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on April 5 as she leads a digital art class, on your own iPad, using the Procreate application.

Reich will introduce you to the basic concepts and techniques of digital art painting.

The requirements for the class: an iPad loaded with the Procreate program loaded. The program can be purchased from Apple Applications for a minimal charge.

Does your iPad support Procreate? Check this link first: https://artsideoflife.com/whatipad- works-with-procreate/ Susan Reich, a mathematics major and career woman, found herself forced into retirement when her husband was transferred to Singapore. Looking for something to keep busy, she volunteered to work at the Singapore Art Museum.

Studying art history as part of the training program, she became fascinated by how to create art. Being close to that magical age of 50, she thought she was too old to learn to paint.

After a few years of study with a couple of master Chinese brush painters, and classes at Nanyang University of Art, a unique vision was brought to her paintings.

She now resides in Texas and is still studying and painting. Her watercolors, oils and acrylic paintings have found homes in many different states.

Fast forward two decades: Due to various medical reasons, and Reich could no longer stand at her easel for long periods to paint.

When her husband saw how much she missed painting, he bought her an iPad and loaded Procreate, a digital painting application. Susan discovered it was just like painting an oil on canvas, but she could easily accomplish this from her favorite overstuffed chair. “Painting on a screen is so much like painting on a canvas or paper,” Reich said. “You choose the medium you want to recreate, then choose the brushes, pencil, or even charcoal to work with, and lastly your color pallet. It is now time to create.”

Reich says that she may be getting older, but she will never stop learning. “Each new painting provides a new experience.”

Adults and high schoolage students are welcome; class size is limited. Class fee is $40 for members, $45 for non-members.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and visit our website often: www.hccarts.org.

Send inquiries to president@ hccarts.org. HCCArts develops and enriches an environment that supports and promotes awareness, appreciation, education and access to all the arts.




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