Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 11:02 PM

Boerne ISD: Committed to greatness, core values

One of the greatest aspects of working with students is seeing them aspire to reach new heights.

As the superintendent of Boerne ISD, I have spent the last 14 months amazed by what our students and staff do — and the passion with which they do it.

Just like our community, our Boerne ISD students are never boring, single-faceted or stagnant. Our students are bursting with ideas, enthusiasm and curiosity.

At Champion High School, we have CTE classes full of new welders who also happen to be varsity football athletes.

At Herff Elementary School, young students voraciously read as many minutes as they can to win the NCAA’s Read to the Final Four competition and made it to the Sweet 16 in the competition.

At Boerne Middle School South, students in their Fellowship of Christian Athletes chapter recently spent their free time doing outreach at local retirement homes.

Our students come by this enthusiasm honestly because it is embodied by everyone here. In Boerne, we show up to support one another. We engage meaningfully and assume good intent. We watch out for our neighbors and create an environment where we can all feel safe to thrive.

Boerne ISD’s core values, which were created in collaboration with staff, parents and community members across Boerne, also speak to our deep roots in this place and what sets it apart.

At Boerne ISD, we are committed to caring for every child, every day, and work together to create a culture based on mutual respect and compassion. We hold ourselves and others to high standards, and lead, serve and enrich our community through our commitment to service.

I just delivered my second “State of the District” address at the Boerne Chamber of Commerce’s invitation. My family and I are so grateful for the incredibly warm welcome we’ve experienced since moving to Boerne, and I relish any opportunity to share the work we are doing to keep the educational experience here intimate, student- focused and cutting-edge.

The partnerships we have in place have so much value and help shape the outcomes for our schools.

Our 2024 state academic performance report recently released highlights: — BISD continued to exceed the state and region at every grade level, every subject and at every performance level on state assessments.

— BISD students outperform the region and state on college and career readiness indicators such as SAT/ACT scores, and participation in AP and Advanced or Dual Credit courses.

— Advanced Placement results: 1,351 students took over 2,980 exams and 961 scored 3+.

— Saving our families $564,230 in college tuition course costs.

— Students earned 644 certifications, a staggering increase of 34% over last year.

The ways we engage and prepare our students show through to our graduation rates, which also significantly outperform the region and state at 99%.

In the coming weeks, we plan to share more about the work we are doing to protect what makes Boerne ISD special.

Dr. Kristin Craft is superintendent of the Boerne Independent School District.




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