Saturday, March 15, 2025 at 7:33 AM

Sawyer says getting Boerne job is a dream come true

Brett Sawyer was hired at Monday’s BISD school board meeting and will succeed Che Hendrix as the next Greyhounds football coach.

Sawyer said getting the head coaching job at Boerne High is a dream come true.

“I’m excited, I’ve tried to get to Boerne two other times before I came here with Coach Hendrix,” he saida “I interviewed for the head football job when Boerne reopened (after remodeling in 2009). I also applied in Boerne another time, so I’ve known about Boerne and have tried to get here a long time.”

When Hendrix took over the program in 2018, he called Sawyer and offered his former high school football and baseball teammate a spot on his staff where Sawyer has been for the last seven seasons.

Hendrix recently left Boerne after he was offered a job with the University of Arkansas football program, where one of his sons is scheduled to play in the fall.

Sawyer said he was happy for Hendrix but didn’t hesitate to throw his hat into the ring with more than 50 other applicants for the job.

“I had mixed emotions about (Hendrix) leaving, but I was really happy for him, it’s well deserved,” Sawyer said. “I knew I was going to apply; I’ve been doing this a long time and held this position before, not at Boerne, but I was excited for the opportunity. I didn’t hesitate.”

Sawyer has been as an assistant coach at Madisonville and Richardson Berkner and was the defensive coordinator at Hutto. He served as head football coach at Sweeny and at Baytown Sterling where he compiled a combined record of 29-26. He was at Sterling for two years where he went 10-10 before coming to Boerne.

Sawyer admits that he’s made mistakes as a head coach but said those two jobs have helped to prepare him for what will be his third stint leading a program.

“What I’ve learned is to be open minded when you go into a situation and not paint yourself into a corner before you really know what’s going on,” he said. “You have to decide if this is a hill worth dying on in every aspect of the job. You have to get the lay of the land first before you start creating those hills.”

The Greyhounds have won two regional titles in the last three seasons on the gridiron and made it to the state semis last fall and played for a state title in 2022. The Greyhounds will be hit hard by graduation but Sawyer said they are prepared for the challenge of replacing those players.

“We’re ready to see who steps up and becomes the guy we need to have and they will,” he said. “We’ll be putting the best situation out there that we can and I have no doubt that our guys will step up and we’ll be extremely successful.”

Brett Sawyer




Boerne Star