SISTERDALE SANTUARY SURVEY: Bird surveys are a unique volunteer opportunity to help collect valuable wildlife data that will inform future conservation strategies and planning of the Sisterdale Sanctuary. From 8-11:30 a.m., the 32-acre Sisterdale Sanctuary preserve will be the site of a monthly survey. To volunteer/participate, go to: cibolo.org.
SIP N’DECORATE Cookie Class by Lost Oak Cellars. Learn to decorate beautiful Valentine’s Day cookies, enjoy sipping on some great Texas wine (not mandatory) and take home delicious creations to share. The class, 6-8 p.m. at Lost Oak, 111 Rosewood Ave. in Boerne, will be hosted by MiMi’s Cookie Creations. For tickets, go to: mimiscookiescreations70. square.site.
BINGO GAME DAY for the Kendall County Retired Teacher Association at 1:30 p.m. during its monthly meeting at the Comfort Public Library, 701 High St. in Comfort.
BOERNE CHOCOLATE WALK sponsored by Boerne Parks and Recreation. Take a stroll through downtown Boerne on Main Street and visit participating businesses to receive a special chocolate treat. You must register for the event as tickets ($25) are limited. Questions? Call 830-248-1635.
STORYTIME WITH MS. Constance at the Herff Farm, 33 Herff Road. The storytime will begin AT 10:30 a.m. This story time theme will be “Valentine’s Day.” ORGANIC GARDENING SERIES: Join us for an eight-part Organic Gardening Series designed to provide practical skills and knowledge for gardening enthusiasts of all levels. Participants can register for individual classes at $35 each or register for the entire series for $200 and receive a copy of Howard Garrett’s book. All classes will run from 1:30-3 p.m. at the Herff Farm. To sign up, please visit cibolo.org. The focus of this class in “The Basics of Soil.”
FAMILY HISTORY SEMINAR by the Genealogical Society of Kendall County. Join The Genealogical Society of Kendall County from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at at St John Lutheran Church, 315 Rosewood Ave., for the 21st Annual Hill Country Family History Seminar, with guest speaker Drew Smith. Morning and afternoon snacks will be provided; lunch available for purchase; raffle and door prizes on tap. GSKC members pay $55. Non-members pay $60.
BOOST BOERNE BUSINESS Networking event presented by Boerne Radio. Opportunity to make connections with other business professionals in the area during this speed networking event. Runs 4-6 p.m. at the Lost Oak Winery, 111 Rosewood Ave. Food, wine and door prizes.
FIRST POLAR PLUNGE: “Freezin’ For A Reason” is the theme as brave souls “take the plunge” in Boerne Lake to support more than 2,000 local Special Olympics Texas athletes in this ice-cold fundraiser. All ages are eligible; registration begins at 9:30 a.m. Details: give.classy.org/BoernePlunge.
BOERNE COMMUNITY THEATER presents “A Family Reunion To Die For,” a comedy-mystery presented by the BCT Teen Troupe. The curtain goes up at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 20; 8 p.m. on Feb. 21; 2:30 and 8 p.m. Feb. 22; and 2:30 p.m. Feb. 23. All tickets are $15 and can be ordered online at boernetheatre.org or by calling 830-249-9166.
BOERNE ISD REPORT: Attend the annual Boerne ISD report at the BISD Board Room, 235 Johns Road, beginning at 6:30 p.m.
BOERNE FAMILY FEUD: Attend this game showthemed fundraiser Feb. 28, March 1 or March 2 for Boerne Community Theatre, 907 E. Blanco Road. Teams of families, businesses and neighbors will compete for a trophy on each date. Tickets to see the show are $20; reservations begin Feb. 10.