In Boerne, we don’t take anything for granted. We realize how lucky we are to live, learn and grow here. Boerne was once a hidden gem, but the qualities that make Boerne so unique and special are now widely recognized, attracting new families and energy and creating a vibrant sense of community.
Since 2010, the number of students we serve has grown each year, from 6,371 students to over 11,100 students today.
Boerne continues to produce incredible young people who change their worlds for the better, and within Boerne ISD, we are focused on finding ways to continue investing in our most precious resource: the young minds who depend on all of us for their growth and education.
However, meeting this task is getting harder given our financial realities.
The Budget Strategy and Advisory Committee (BSAC), made up of a group of more than 40 of our dedicated community members, has devoted the past few months to understanding our budget and the financial issues we face.
Some of the facts might shock you; they certainly shocked the committee.
We receive a $6,160 basic allotment funding per student each year, which has remained unchanged since 2019, despite record inflation. The state has determined that this is what each student is “entitled” to, but it has not increased to match reality.
For example, costs of fuel, insurance and utilities far exceed the 23% average inflation over the last six years.
Using the state funding formula, which includes our local property tax levy plus any additional state funding plus federal program funding and local contributions, BISD received $9,762 in 2022-23. The state average was $12,822 per student — making BISD the ninth lowest funded district in the state per student.
As a community, we’ll need to be agile when we hear the results of the current legislative session. BSAC members joined four key working groups to learn more about the weighty decisions we face.
Their charge was multifaceted, and focused on understanding the level of service among our operations, finding creative ways to retain and recruit, thinking more strategically about revenue generation and finding efficiencies, and creating a plan to expand and engage greater levels of advocacy.
BSAC brought leaders from around our community together to inform them and leverage their skills and experience in solving complex problems.
Together, we have come up with innovative solutions to these looming budget issues and we will continue to meet the rising wave of need with creativity, courage and conviction. This is only the start for Boerne ISD.
Our board of trustees has done everything within its power to set us up for success. Their support and guidance enables us to be agile. With their backing, we continue making moves that are in the best interest of our entire student body and the broader community.
Providing our community with transparent information about the realities we face is my commitment as your superintendent.
We are also committed to sharing more about our efforts with upcoming communications. Additionally, we are happy to share a list of our elected officials and invite community members to reach out to them through the proper channels.
Every voice matters. Stay tuned for more engagement opportunities.
Dr. Kristin Craft is the Boerne Independent School District superintendent.